Saturday, March 31, 2007
Returning to the blog-osphere

So, I am finally getting back to blogging again. Not 100% sure why it's been so long since my last update, but here I am again.
Lots of things going on since the last time I was here. Buster has finally found a new job. He has accepted a job in Valdosta Georgia (hence the picture of the freeway sign above. It's amazing what one can find my doing a Google search). He will be going down there the first of May, and I will be following as soon as our house sells. Of course, that means anywhere from June to God(dess) only knows when. Hopefully things will not take too long to sell. We're going to be using the same real estate agent who sold us the house, and she really knows this neighborhood, which will help. Of course, if any of you out there know someone looking a nice house in a really good neighborhood in Columbus Ohio, drop me a line! =D
I've started looking at nursing jobs down there. It looks like jobs are pretty scarce in Valdosta itself (per the main hospital's website) which is not that unusual considering that there is a nursing school there in town. However, it looks like there are jobs in several different hospitals not too far from town. I'm really hoping to get into an ER down there, but I will take what I can get.
I will have to be more vigilant about this keeping up my blog. According to the workshop we had about stress reduction at work, journalling is a good way to reduce stress and something tells me that there will be some of that in my life for the foreseeable future.