Monday, December 11, 2006
Mids? Yuck!

Now that I'm working my assigned schedule, I have come to the conclusion that working midshift sucks! There is just something very wrong about going to work at 3 in the afternoon, and working until 3 in the morning. Working that late pretty much ruins the next day too, since you spend a good portion of it in bed. Oh well, I'm hoping that I will only need to work this shift until next summer when we open our new ED, and we basically have to triple our staff on each shift (unless management decides to totally p**s off the nurses and drastically increase our patient ratios). I just have to put in my time, and eventually I will be able to get on days. Until then, I will just have to reset my body clock about 8 hours ahead of where it is now.
Lately I've been a bit confused about what step I want to take next, in terms of my education and career. Now that I'm working in the healthcare field, I know that it is the correct field for me, but I'm already getting frustrated with how some of the doctors do things. Not just what he/she does, but how he/she actually interacts and does her job. It's really frustrating when a patient has been waiting for an hour to see a doc, and the doc is in his work area/cubby hole looking up football scores on the internet.
Combining this frustration with the fact that I've been told for about half of my life I should be a doctor, I've looked into going to medical school. From what I've seen, I need 5 quarters worth of classes to cover the sciences I didn't take earlier and to prep for the MCAT. That being said, I paid my tuition and bought books again today. Starting in a couple of weeks, I will be taking Chemistry 2 (I have transfer credit for chem 1), Biology 1, and Physics 100. Spring quarter will be another crazy quarter with 3 classes, but after than, I will be taking 2 at a time. Over the next year, I will be taking 2 quarters of biology, 4 quarters of physics, and one hell of a lot of chemistry, including organic. Not exactly my idea of fun, but then again, it kind of is.
After all of this, I will take the MCAT. Once I see how well I do on that, I will have to sit down and make the actual decision about what my next degree will be. I will cross that bridge when I get to it......
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I will hate to lose you from nursing! I'm serious!!!!! We have the internet surfing docs, too, and we have the read-US-Magazine-every-five-minutes nurses, also!
By the way, I AM a nocturnal person and the 3-3 shift kicked my butt. Big time....not the best shift...the worst of the PM shift with the worst of the Night shift! Hang in there until you can get the shift you want!
And I truly believe you can never have too much education and the science courses will be beneficial no matter what you decide to do, I'd hate to see you leave nursing.
: (
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By the way, I AM a nocturnal person and the 3-3 shift kicked my butt. Big time....not the best shift...the worst of the PM shift with the worst of the Night shift! Hang in there until you can get the shift you want!
And I truly believe you can never have too much education and the science courses will be beneficial no matter what you decide to do, I'd hate to see you leave nursing.
: (
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