Monday, April 14, 2008
This has been me

Okay, so not been having any CAT scans, but I have been just about this lazy lately. I did not realize that it has been like 7 months since I made an update here. Guess it has taken me a little more time than I thought to get settled into life here in the south.
It has been a bit of a shock moving here to the deep south. Things just move at such a different pace than life in Ohio. I never thought that the midwest was especially hectic or fast paced, but in comparison, life here seems to be sssssssssllllllllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwwww. Guess there is just a different concept of time here. I predict that I will never quite adapt to it, and I will always be seen as one of those dreaded "Yanks".
I will attempt to make more updates here........ then again, I've said that before........